Passionate Month Ahead, February, 2024

February begins with the Celtic holiday of Imbolc, Saint Brigid’s Day, on February 1st, roughly halfway between winter solstice and spring equinox. We welcome new springtime growth still under the ground, seeds within us waiting patiently to bloom. Winter rains remind me of the words and music of John Barlow and Bob Weir, “Water bright as the sky from which it came…And the name is on the earth that takes it in…I AM” stirring underneath. We also think of this month as a time for romance and love. The nurturing vibes and pleasure we feel with each other make Valentine’s Day a relief from the gloomy, cloudy days. The cosmic weather has strong Aquarian themes: what is percolating inside of me that is authentic and unique? How might partnership be the plow or be the rain? “Let it grow!”


Mercury in Aquarius conjuncts Pluto on February 5th, while Venus in Capricorn squares the lunar nodes in Aries and Libra that week. Both Mars and Venus are in the sign of the sea goat until mid-February. This is a great time to make your relationships and your passions a “great work.” Set the stage with some rich, fertile soil for that seed you are planting through strategy and hard work. “Nothing more, the love of the women, work of men.” Think about what works for you in terms of calming down, finding peace, sparking your creative muse. The Capricorn energy helps ground you and make real the structures you need for your growing “seed” within and for planning right relationship that gives you the love you need, while offering the space we all crave to be authentic.


The Aquarius New Moon, 20°41’, February 9th at 2:59 pm Pacific time nurtures innovative thought and humanitarian love, but it also calls for some soul searching regarding personal space. We might ask again, where do I need to be authentic to my own path and where might I need to detach and be “me” despite others’ expectations? Look to see where the New Moon falls in your own natal chart for guidance in your soul’s unique dance.


The days surrounding Valentine’s Day can be a challenge for those readers with planets or critical degrees in early Aquarius in their birth chart. Mars meets Pluto at 00°46’ Aquarius February 13th. Try to be patient with one another as issues around needing space or freedom arise in your partner (or yourself). Try to deconstruct these thoughts and see what it is that makes a person edgy this way. The good news is sexual passions will undoubtedly fly! But so may power struggles.


When Venus joins Pluto in Aquarius February 17th, good, deep conversation around these very issues is possible, if we are truthful with our partners. If we allow ourselves to go deep into our psyches to reflect upon the limitations we may feel concerning our personal freedom, our relationships can only grow and transform. “As he dances the circular track of the plow ever knowing. That the work of his days measures more…And listen to the thunder shout…let it grow!”


On February 21st, Venus and Mars meet up at 6°58’ Aquarius. Time for all that deep conversation with our partner at Valentine’s Day to be released with some passionate fun! Claim Venusian sensuality with a little of the juiciness of Mars’ lust for life. Nothing is better for stoking the fires of erotic passion than working through struggles of deep intimacy and bonding. What a romantic, if potentially challenging, month!


Sun enters Pisces February 18th, followed by Mercury, February 22nd. The energy shifts to a gentle, sensitive watery feel, easing up on the airness of Aquarius. The Full Moon is at 5°23’ Virgo, 4:30 am, February 24th. The Moon opposes Mercury, Sun and Saturn, all in early Pisces. This is a practical, down-to-earth Moon, wanting us to be the master craftsperson. With the oppositions in dreamy, compassionate, intuitive Pisces, we might use this lunar time to hone our skills in making plans for our creative visions, our spiritual paths, and for true compassionate love. “So it goes, we make what we made since the world began…” Wishing everyone deep intimacy and joy this Valentine’s month!