Cara Evolutionary Astrology

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Solstice Blessings! Revel Under a Leo Moon With Venus

HAPPY SOLSTICE, everyone! Sun enters Cancer June 21st at 7:57 am Pacific time. In the evening, look for the pretty waxing crescent Moon, bright Venus and Mars. If the skies are clear, it will be a beautiful sight! All three are in Leo now, Venus and the Moon making the exact conjunction at 14 degrees 28’ of the sign of the lion at 8:08 pm Pacific on the solstice.

What a great night for celebration, dance, fun and joy…Feel the loving, generous heart of the lion, romp and play, while also nurturing the Cancerian bonds of family and community. A good time to recognize the gifts of others as well, and make them feel seen and cherished. Give applause and appreciation for the talents and ways they shine!


Ask yourself, where do I need to allow myself to take center stage, revel in my creative juices in all their glory, let myself roar?

AND how can I give more love and recognition to those in my life who try so very hard and risk sharing their soul creations for all to see? Time to say “Wow, well done! I love you!”

Enjoy! Solstice blessings!